Friday, December 12, 2008

so apparently...

if i click on the draft folder of my messages my phone will have a mini stroke and bail like a bitch, freeze like a hoe and leave me hanging! thats so damn fake...i just wanta see what i was trying to say! u-g-muthaf'in-h. this is the 3rd time this shyt has happened! fail...
i shoulda take my ass to memphis!
ima learn to play dominos, Darisa's gonna teach me. then ima beat phil and never let him live it down.
i wanta watch a movie...any suggestions....
has anyone noticed that dorian out blogs all of us COMBINED. like every time i check the dashboard she has at least 3 new what the hell do you besides blog lol but dnt stop i need the entertainment
omg my mother, yes the infamous whining jackie, just walked in my room (yes in the voice ppl) "maya...let me hear you play the guitar" (and she definitely said guitar like GET-tar)
"ima put you in my blog for saying that" she says, "ya, do it! thats 'cause i rock! now tell walt p that!" you might be winning her over walt lmao
-man if youre reading this and youve been trying to text me, sorry its treo bitchass fault...
funny convo with mr all american
me: piggy, teach me how to play dominos
him: moose, i dnt know how. my cuz does tho...
me: you suck
him: do you know how to play guess who
me: ya, why?
mr all american is about 6'3 250-ish maybe idke maybe more...dark skinned, very intimidating and his big soft ass wants ta play some damn guess who?! everybody thinks he's so tough, all big and bad-he's a chumo, a big softy and thats just the way i like him.

update-treo is still frozen....whampwhamp

1 comment:

Walt P. said...

lol about time your ma jus gave in!