Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I was doing the usual pre bed ritual. checked the bookface, read some blogs and was reminded!
I spent the majority of my day at my bro's, sick. so I fell asleep all sick and mad and woke up REJUVENATED!
the face downers boy I tell ya...they'll cure some things
I'm going to DOODLE BOODLE, US tomorrow or really today. so amped
I was reading the bestfriend's blog which I love! when he writes he always come in chapters, very amusing.
I've often wondered if I've missed the lessons God has tried to teach me because I was blinded by the harshness and need to seek revenge? I was so confused after I got shot, I saw no point in that event. I wasn't a bad kidd. I was actually REALLY good. I got my ass beat- ASS BEAT!- on 3rd and no one, not one MUTHAFUCKIN PERSON helped and I really learned nothing more than I can toss 4 hoes but 7 is my limit. maybe I learned a trust lesson but there so many others to take that quiz I dnt see the need for the severe test I received.
I believe in God because I've seen firsthand the things he can do, heal, and save. in 2009 I wanta get closer to Him.
you've received a second chance here, dnt lose her twice. and yes ill admit when he told me about it I was like yayy! whatever when I got off the phone I was like wait! NO! but I'm working on sharing, not being so selfish and stingy in '09 as well.
oh, hello Baby D, I'm bestfriend. I'm callin permanent shot gun.
me and my bro, james aka mikey were sitting on the couch to day drinkin some bud lights and talking about our relationships. it was odd at first but I'm really happy the 3 of us, and my bro's, are finally at a point where we can relate and be friends.

its 240 I'm going to bed.
ima really do some yappin when I get to DOODLE BOODLE, USA!
xo loves you and dnt you forget it!

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