Sunday, December 14, 2008


i just read dorian's blog and i was crackin up. jackie is notorious for disregarding mapquest diretions. ill be like ok go down bell rd to old hickory. this nigga gon say "oh i know where such and such is, we'll just start from there..." and when we get there and its not the "there" she thought it was she looks to me like "ooohhh messed us up!" ya uhuh sure i did...

ok but i hav a list of things to say:

i have come to the sad realization that there is really no point in having a big bed if youre in it all and walt discussed how lonely our big beds are and while he has someone to miss im definitely just sleeping with a shyt load of pillows. but this nigga took it too far...tell me why walter parker jr has a BLACK LIGHT in his room...yo freak nasty ass!

im driving to church this morning and this car pulls up next to me and the man looks just like an older eric kelly! and he was hott!!! i was like man i wish dorian was here for this

the last few times ive grabbed something to eat ive had to apply ample salt...maybe i just miss the bestfriend but food just seems so bland...

man, i saw the flyest little asian lady ever! she had on this fresh ass white bubble vest and she was walking down the street bumpin her ipod and sippin her starbucks and i just started crackin up 'cause i could just imagine her boppin along to "i was raised in the projects-projects" i would die of laughter.

so we're remodeling still right, so i decided to pain the cabinets for my bathroom. and i think ima change my major to carpentry with a focus in semi gloss latex paints...that was until my phone rang and i couldnt touch it for all the paint and after a while it really got on my nerves and i washed my hands like a surgeon and it made me miss dorian and im defnitely sticking to history, far less messy

so im at church today right and please explain to me why it sounds like 808's in this hoe!
"enlarge me territpry" (BOOOOM) i mean you could feel it in your chest! and all the young ppl sit up in the balcony and we all lookin at each other like wtf?! man too funny

ok the checkin convo:
so this is me and mr all american and we talkin bout wrestlin and im like
"bring it"
-"its already bn broughten (sp? lol)"
"yo ol signed sealed delivered lookin ass"
-"wassup mane, sasha firce buckethead ass nigga. whassup!"
"yo ol' i ♥ beyonce tshirt wearin, deluxe edition cd lookin ass. nah, wassup mane"
-"wasup sos pad head ass nigga wassup"
"whassup ol chocolate covered snow man nigga!"
-"yo no slope bridge nose havin ass girl. you look like you eat krystals all day! whassup"
"yo black hole lookin ass. you look like you collect crazy straws and google zebras all day!"
-"maya, i will powerbomb yo pretty ass"
"boom shakalaka!"
-"my mama said hi"
"hi! man, im scared if her"
-"she'll chop you in yo neck!"
"ugh! something is wrong with you"
-"aint nothin wrong with me. dumdum dillio"
"what the hell?! dumdum dillio...i rest my case"
-"its all luv redwood moose camel goat"
"fuck you piggy monkey ox box cutter ass"

i do believe....I WON!

oh news flash........................treo will no longer let me speak into if you call and hear absolutely nothing, trust im talking-hell im yelling but he's decided to go mute on my damn fake.


Walt P. said...

Maya you just put me on blast about my Blacklight huh!!! lol thats fine, I like my blacklight it keeps it chill in my room. but the check fest was funny especially when he got on your cute small nose! DAMN treo he eats baby dicks

Ms. XO said...

lmao! ima be a checkin fool pretty soon
leave my nose alone!!!
and ya, treo is GEHY!!