Tuesday, December 16, 2008

oh my life...

ok, so my phone is cut off and here's my plan. normally i would call and say i need an extension but nooooo treo dnt wanna let a nigga talk and shyt. so the plan: im coming back to dori's in the morning, thats where i am now, and callin sprint and bitchin them out. im not paying a bill that i never use because he always froze and shyt. so then ima get that bill scratched get my phone back on and then ima say im leaving sprint so theyll send me a new phone because im a terribly disatisfied customer with phone and it came so highly recommended. i got a plan, now i just gotta execute that hoe! lol
wish me luck

so in case you werent paying attention, treo is off like cut off so dnt call dnt text 'cause i wnt be getting any of that until tomorrow...hopefully.

oh, GET HER BESTFRIEND! jackie tried that shyt today like where are you? when are you going home? nigga i live ALONE dnt worry bout this shawty i definitely am holdin this all the way down. trippin ass. im mad now. and please tell me why ive been crying all day just random little fits of tears! like wtf ? why am i so upset....i think im really lonely right now, not like right now because im thoroughly amused by my doodle but by the time i get to my residence ill realize i am completely alone and cut off from the world...solitude.

xo loves you. and dnt you forget it

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