Sunday, March 15, 2009


ok so i dnt think ive had ppl to my home lately but we've remodeled and its slick fresh but i came in the other day and there was this random ass plaid chair in my dining room and i definitely ran into it like excuse me?! so i call jackie and im like there's a rather pompously rude piece of furniture in the dining room, care to explain and she's like how's it look? and im like nigga its plaid! so she comes home and she's like i kinda like it. and im lookin at her like where the hell in this house do you think you bout ta put this grandaddy plaid ass frat house chair?! she's like well we have to re do your room. and im like uh...not PLAID! besides all my bedroom stuff is coming with me to my apartment. she makes her scrunched up little face and im like what i DNT need is lack of support and pessimistic expression. (whining)why do you wanta leave me? because you look like that. (the infamous jackie voice)"ugh maya! youre so mean" i reply, no whining. i gots ta go ma, youre no good for my image. and neither is that chair.

now that i hav huey, ill be posting videos and such. this oculd get exciting!

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