Sunday, May 24, 2009

no! im NOT dead!

so my acebooncoon, my jack of all trades, my nigga, The Aleesa calls me today in the middle of my nap and she's all "are you ok? omg!" im like huh?! im fine! she sounds like she's about to cry tho so i dnt wanta pressure her to talk. so she calls back and suggests i do some facebook damage control because according to facebook IM DEAD! whaaaatttt?? im so not dead. and given the fct that i have damn near died, i dnt take such allegations lightly. an old friend from high skool O, his status reads " R.I.P. Maya Matthews. Life can be so crazy." wtf?! so i go ham. ppl have messaged me, ppl left comments. and being that i dnt have my phone there were even ppl on their way to my house! as flattering as it is to see that in the unfortunate case of my passing, i would be genuinely missed i have to decline all sympathies being that im still here! fresh to death ya but no where near casket sharp.
sorry for the misunderstanding.

xo love life

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