Thursday, December 24, 2009

well ello govna! (youll get it, keep trying)

Any who...hello there! Miss me?! I missed you more. Its bn about 2 wks since I showed some love so since I'm lying in bed bored and lonely, I figured it was time.
My life still sucks.
I'm so broke it hurts.
I was talking to my homegirl about relationships and she was all "where did we go wrong" blah blah blah and I realized-when does "it" happen?! When is that "that's it" limit get reached? When does the patience run out? When does the love run thin? Was it that time in the car? Was it the day he hung up? The day you didn't call back anymore? When does the switch get flipped and the good goes bad? and even then, is it lost forever or is it just so far gone we can't imagine the energy it would take to muster the enthusiasm to fight for them again? When does the "forever love" end? When does "what happened to us" happen?
Aleesa comes home in 2 days! Count 'em-2!! Do you have any idea the hell we are gonna raise?! The girls are all back and too ready to paint the town PINK!
Its lookin like no Columbus for New Years and that DEEPLY saddens my life! Like I could cry...fuck!
Oh, did I tell yall?! I'm an Alpha Kappa Alpha woman! Gotdammit Skee-Wee!
Its bittersweet tho, I've wanted this for so long but I hate the attention it came with. I'm really low key person, I know I know a lot of ppl but I'm not owt like that, I don't do and be and go to be seen like that. But now where ever I go I'm noticed, ppl speak, and I'm like huh?! Sorry to hit you wit tha stank face are? Greek life is not for the timid that's for damn sure.
So I did some catching up on other blogs today and this is all I have to say..."Bestfriend, I wish you would! Like I double dog dare yo punk ass to pull a stunt like that! Kthanks muffukka!" -mumbles under breath-
Ok I'm back...
Rather, with that...I'm gone.
Goodnight my loves,
X's and O's. Sweet dreams

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