Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the struggle

in my little journey to independence or whatever this growing process is, ive gained a new found appreciation for pain, for struggle, for the bad days, for the rain. contrary to popular belief my life ----->> FAR from charmed. ive worked myself to the bones for the good things i have and it seems all too fragile to get too comfortable in a good place. i say that to say this, the other day it stormed-im talking weather advisory, mom calls to say "go home, its going to storm", the kinda storm when my great grandmother Cora "Cuddy" would make us sit still in the dark with all the mirrors covered while "God worked", it was bad. and then....it was over. i looked out the window to my right and there were two perfect rainbows. i smiled.
there apparently can never be a rainbow without the rain. no joy without the pain. so all the bad, all the struggle reminds me that this temporary discomfort is for a permanent improvement. so bring the hurt, bring the pain, the rain...i look forward to the rainbows.

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