Friday, January 15, 2010

peace and quiet

i find the most peace when im quiet, when able to really be quiet. im usually discussing, planning, laughing, yelling, calling, asking, and questioning so many things that i find it almost impossible to ever be fully alone with my thoughts. some days i would gladly pay for one moment of peace and quiet. pay for silence, for everyone to leave, for everything to wait....let me gather myself and repair myself and evaluate the tasks at hand. i feel like im in so many different places, handling so many different thing, people, and issues that i lose myself. i forget myself. im gonna start "masturbating" (gotcha! lol i stole this from my nigga Steph) but im saying im going to start pleasing me, looking out for me, and always getting mine (#pushplay) because as selfish as it seems, no one else is going to get it for me. My mom, Jackie, always tells me not to worry about things outside of my control. that was always an issue for me but now i see what she letting go of these outstanding issues and im gonna focus oon the things i can directly impact.
im tired as im dawgass tired....
im going to enjoy some peace and quiet before i drift off to sleep.

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