aight check it. so i have come to the realization that everyone blogs! im so happy im not the only one pouring my life out to complete strangers. so while i put several ppl on this bandwagon i have also stumbled across my new fav blog: dori t...that shyt is fucking fire! the realest one ive read, honestly. its so her, so honest, so random, so fuckin' funny!
run quick read! its dope, trust. my fav is introducing: the 'rents. so dori t does this thing she calls Ready, Set, Go. well ya ima have ta joc that, sorry dori but that was a hell of a good idea. what you do is type. thats it! lol na but you just write watever comes to mind.
my blogs are always so structured and thought out i wanta be the random, quirky person i really am. so instead of waiting on some major event to chronolize ima just write. thats why i started this anyway, to just write, to just speak my muthafuckin mind, and bitch, ima speaks it! (that was so ghetto)
so im starting a new thing which is really an old thing because dori t already did it but its new to the official mizzmaya blog. im calling it point.blank.period.
here we go...
im sleepy but im wide ass awake.
i have the sudden urge to color.
im very frustrated with my current financial state but i really only wanta work somewhere thats enjoyable and seeing as how im extremely and unnecessarily picky this could take a while.
i have a thing for this guy and he's kinda awaesome. just a lil tho.
i miss aleesa. a lot.
i dnt like a lot of ppl.
im definitely one of the coolest kidds youll ever meet
leandria lott is f'in dope! like if i could hand pick a good friend, she'd look surprisingly just like her!
i used ta play the clarinet, i was most def the shyt. and i most def miss it.
most def is like my fav word.
frankie s...that kidd there, is a whoot! such an individual she almost makes me feel like i conform. not like she crushes my spirits but gives me the desire to really define myself for myself becasue there is nothing more hott than confidence. well except girls that grill and thats only according to b. live....and who believes him?! ;-)
as confident as i appear, i have my insecurities, a lot of insecurities.
i like you. there i said it, dnt bring it up again.
shannon cohen will get her's in the end, im letting it go. holding a grudge is bad for your health. but i really dislike that girl.
if i could i would take 5 showers a day. i find them very calming in a i-just-washed-away-all-yo-bullshyt kinda way.
the cosby's is most def a funny ass show. shouts out ta spencer glover.
lloyd is the best! idk why we all love lloyd but we do. he's one of those emotionless ppl so its rather funny to get excited to see him ad he just waves or releases a bland ass hi. ♥ it.
seeing as how my laptop is dying and im too lazy ta get up and plug it in, ima go ahead and wrap up this blog, its already rather long. so there we go, point.blank.period
♥ you, all of you.
shouts out ta dori t for the new idea! youve been my latest and greatest inspiration.
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