in my life I've faced my fair share of adversity. but it just really confuses me, frustrates, and upsets me that the worst of things happens to good ppl. and then I find myself questioning God and His purpose for my life. why would I, of all ppl get shot?! why would I, of all people, get jumped?! like really, why my stepdad, of all the men, get lung cancer?! it always seems to be something seems like.
he went in for surgery monday to get a spot removed and they ran their little tests and told us he's got cancer. my mom called and told me and I was just shocked. "not cancer" I thought. and all week I've been keeping myself busy, preoccupied just so I wouldn't have to admit the apparent, this could be bad. i ve been putting off going to the hospital all week because I cnt stand to see him wired up, beeping like that but when I walked in the hospital today it all rushed me and I realized its time to pray. and it breaks my heart that bad things always happen to good ppl. I used ta date a guy who told me "there's no good ppl, just ppl trying to do good things" he can be so pessimistic sometimes it gets on my damn nerves. sorry that was an ADD moment (Le!) but ya...I've been praying but I know I can do better so here goes:
thank you for this day, the opportunity, and this reasonable portion of health; you didn't have to do it, any of it. I come before you as humbly as I know how and this is my prayer. Heal him. I've seen the things you can do, mostly because I've seen you do them for me. let your power fall like rain, Father. in anyway you see so fit, bless him. there is no medicine like You and I'm asking for a dose. if not Lord, if this is his time then please dnt let him suffer and struggle. give him peace of mind and call him home. either way you have it ill praise you inspite of the pain. please God, please. I love You, I thank You.
someone told me once that if you write your prayers and read them back it solidifies the prayers and especially if share your prayers so if that's true this prayer should be concrete being that I've read this whole thing 3 times and now the WORLD can too.
- ♥
I'm definitely gonna keep your Stepdad lifted up, Maya!
Be strong, God's already started working!
Aww love!
You and your family are in my prayers!! Remember he's listening to you!
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