ok, so Ive been doing a lot of muzik posts lately and i think its time i address some things that have been on my mind, nothing major, just some words. 2 parts:
1. dnt judge. i recently linked back up with an old friend. haven't seen this kido in years! and here comes several ppl with all this negative stuff to say about him. there will always be somebody in your ear to bash the next person. trust your instincts, if you feel like your friend means you no good then distance yourself. this goes for most things in life, if you know in your heart its not in your best intentions you gotta let it go. in this case, Ive made up my own mind about dude, we used ta be too kool! know this, ill trust you until you prove to me that everyone was right or that i was wrong and you aint shyt. fool me once, shame on me... it just really bothers me that ppl always have to bring up the bad in ppl. we're human, we all fuck up. and being that most things are open for interpretations and the overwhelming majority werent even there i can honestly say "you think you know well you have no idea."
ill be honest, my life has been TRIP. things have happened to me that i wouldnt dream i would have made it thru but im here, and im happy im here. but it gets on my damn nerves that ppl pass judgement based on anyone's past. im not a thug, being shot doesnt make you gangsta! i would never sincerely say im a thug and if you ask me about my scar ill tell you, it was meant for the dude in front of me. accident. my homeboi, had some green in his car, how many ppl do you kow that ride dirty?! ok! drop it. i dnt smoke and he doesnt put his dirt off on me so why cnt old friends just be friends. why yall gotta trip?! snitchin' ass hoes.
2. reputation is all we have. i know i get upset at ppls pre-conceived notions but really if ppl only know the bad, theyll always keep the bad. we quickly forget that i held every major office in high skool, first chair in top band, extremely smart, very artistic, outstandingly driven, because as soon as some mentions gun shots all heads turn my way. ppl like to see your flaws. i do my best to keep a very good reputation because at the end of the day i cnt fight every rumor and ppl will think what they want to and ppl will believe what they choose to. appear to be at the best of your game at all times, never let 'em catch you slippin and theyll be able to say you fell. things always get blown waaaay outta proportion. so if you get caught riding with a baggies and scales by the time the story gets back ta you, you will have had 20grams of coc' and a pump. my advice, believe a quarter of what you hear and half of what you saw. ppl tell too many lies and from the outside looking in, nothing is as it seems.
those are my 2 pearls of wisdom for the day. be enlightened. stop snitchin'.
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