i woke in a bad mood, probably because i went to sleep in a bad mood, tossed and turned, and woke up to rain. waking up to rain makes me wanta stay in bed all day make up dreams , dream them, and do it all over again.
yesterday was a good day, fun, yummy, and chill. i fucks, scratch that, i mess with Cuervo! my father collects alcohol and he taught me a little about each one, while i havnt retained much, i still like the taste of them. cuervo goes hard, i see why danny buckles him in the back seat. lol.
im readjusting my focus. i really wanta do well in all the things i touch. so im putting a lot of focus in skool, seeing as how God has fixed all my financial aid issues (amen!) im finally on my feet, this entertainment group is really taking shape and im excited to really put in work and pull out some dope ass, scratch that, just dope events. i hav other things planned so we'll see what i can do about those...
ok let me say this, i met a guy this summer. cool ass, scratch that, cool dude. very focused, driven, confident, handsome, just all around on his shyt, scratch that, on his business. in light of being back in skool. he has become crazy busy! like if i was that busy i would probably sleep. ya, if im under too much and everything is requiring my presence id go to sleep. thats why i dnt pledge my loyalty to more things than i can do well. he, on the other hand, might actually be superman. i have to give the kid his props, if you can be everywhere and do everything, kudos to you boo. but i have to admit that i do at times feel like, being a woman of course, did you forget about me? but you know, honestly of course, im proud of him, of all of friends, theyre all really spreading their wings and doing a lot and i wish them more than well. but... question: is anyone proud of me? im always the "Go Baby" friend but i dnt always get that in return. its a struggle to always lend support and never receive it. so thank you Dori, Frankie, Le, and of course bestfriend for always "Go Baby"-ing me :-)
i really miss my mom. its not about seeing her, ive been so busy with skool and Swaghouse that i dnt get to call her like i used to. and it really does break my heart when she calls me wondering if im just ok. like thats the most genuine love i know, she just wants to make sure my day is ok, that im alive, to let me know she was thinking of me. even though she has recently become a full time nurse and secretary for my stepdad she still finds time for the things she loves. making time for the things that matter. im honestly going to start working on that because there really is no reason to neglect things if i say they matter, ima do better about juggling my time. im going to make her proud; i can and i will.
im 'bout ta startcrankin on these hoes! scratch that, these under achievers. see, i can stop cursing
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