rippin it on ya ass!
my nose hurts. its so little and its hard to blow and it just hurts.
i wish i didnt miss you because i doubt youre missing me
we woke up at 10:04 today and we both have 10:20's-all bad.
leandria snapped last night! F tha band kidds! and all the jockin ass hoes! they get in the way of her and her band kidd. i was like wow b.live was like huh and everyone within earshot was like she's going thru something...
when i get in the mood i was in last night i need some hard core cussin sinful muzik-hello weezy
when im feeling like i do today i need some gospel...thank you leandria.
i gave that bagel the bizznass.
my ex is coming in town for a doctor's appt and has requested my presence. "i just havnt seen you and wanted you ta come to the doctor with me you know i hate the doctor" ill see what i can do...
i skipped black lit today im not doin this damn slave call assignment-count me absent see if i care
whenever i wear chucks he's on my mind i wear chucks a lot...geeez go away!
whenever me and Le are being mean to each other something always happens. computers die, one of us falls, stubs a toe, or hits an elbow. thats God saying play nice girls
le changed clothes 3 times this morning and her butt hurts and that's what she gets! ha!
whamp whamp
estelle sings american boy and adele is someone completely different. most def made an ass out of myself earlier.
hola! i speak spanish
im going home for the weekend, i need to see my ma. seek counsel. be loved forreal.
"you gon eat these nuggets hoe!"
did i mention i gave that bagel the bizznass
we have a dance that we slick stole from lloyd it goes to the "ooww ooww" in american boi and the "gu-cci" in gucci bandana. its fly
number "sisty ate" is my fav. he told me ill make a great house wife because i look cute sitting on a dryer. thanks, i guess....
i want a brand new fall attire
leandria is a PIMP that girl gets more play than the damn NFL!
fake bro! i miss Reg, he always makes my day. ♥ you best friend.
that was a fake ass hug last night fyi.
my little boi needs a bath, aka my car.
yes, he's a boi. i dnt ride girls.
landria is going to memphis with dori t and frankie and im staying here...ill miss them like a fat kidd misses cake. travel mercies....
leandria always makes my bed! and when i come in im like wait....something's different....oh. gosh Le thanks kidd!
i have a thinking cap that doubles as my driving hat and triples as my anytime hat.
i have a new fav song. hello by william davenport
my nose hurts...ugh.
my freshman, jordan, sits in front of me in spanish and being that i was late when i walked by him he said i looked cute and then he turned around and told me i have pretty, dark eyes. to which i repied, "youre such a flirt. thanks kidd"
fuckery! love that word
aight, im gone. deuces. hope your day is better than mine. well damn that was pessimistic, sorry.
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