i have come to the sound conclusion that small children are extremely disgusting! some one will read this and be like, gosh maya so harsh, but i dnt care! they gross me out at times. please do not get me wrong, i love kids, i want kids, and hopefully by then i will be able to get over their trifling ways. for example, i am spending my happy sunday afternoon babysitting two of my beloved kidos from my church, jayla 6 and mekenna 2. makenna cut her finger so i rapidly doctored it up and put an adorable spongebob band aid on it, within 5 mins she returned to me with her thumb out like a hitch hiker, smacking on that bloody band aid like that girl in the back seat of one of those madea movies... GAG! she planted that same thumb deep within her mushroom pizza and followed it up by putting it in her nose...BARF! now jayla has sinus issues and she sometimes cant breathe well and she kinda snores but i love her! while her sister is finding new homes for her marinara blood thumb, jayla is grunting and smacking on pizza like a morbidly obese man. thusly i hav lost my appetite. but on a lighter note, jayla is learning to read, thanks in large part to me! no please hold your applause :) but yes, she is currently butchering "green eggs and ham" sounding very nasal and i must say i am finding myself extremely amused at this futile attempt to sound out "sam-i-am" which is beginning to sound a lot like "say my name" or "tham God damn" and "with" now has a very hard "t" hilarious. its moments like these that i love children, that is until they begin to leak and secrete all sorts of foul things or when they hide various body parts in any available opening...i rest my case, kids are gross!
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