aight this one is for you. for the frustration you have caused.
keep your word. ill never believe anything you say if you never mean what you say. ill trust you until you deceive me. i will not demand your time, i may request your presence but if my request goes unfulfilled i wnt request again. that being said, if everyone else will always take precedence im not one to ride backseat, im a shotgun kinda kid. i will not be naive enough to dream of being number one in such a short amount of time but last? last! fuck i look like. ya im venting, a lot of this probably wnt mean in the morning but for now in the heat of the night im just that, heated.
its rather...rude, is the only thing i can come up with right now, to be within ear shot, not even 100 yards and not find a way for some one, assuming they are of some reasonable amount of importance, to see them. buts cool, i see. check my dougie, dnt play me. youll probably say this is what women do, complain or go all off but this is me being real im being honest-you make me sick! yes, today you made me sick! its rather...rude, yes again rude, to knock somebody off their feet and leave them there. like laughing at handicap kid, its inappropriate. like stealing from an old lady, its a sin!
so ya this one is for you, in all your many manly ways that got me slippin on my mac and caught me off gaurd. so 2 for you whoopty whoop! thats some sarcasm for ya ass. i really cnt believe it tho, im slick feelin a little played. not quite open like a can of pig feet or nothin but slightly wide eyed and innocent. i was just readin thru old blogs earlier and now im like oh silly girl, silly silly girl.
i really wish you knew, knew whatever it is you would need to know to be sure and assured that this, me, is right. i dnt want a title i dnt need the stress but i want your word. ill let the past be the past but i just wonder do you realize im not her, do you honestly know that im not her? well i know better. you might like thugs but sweetheart im gangster.
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