ok so apparently this blog has been the best and worst of two worlds. i have a new creative outlet for my life and yet there has been some issues with things said aka i may have stepped on some toes. i have to request that if you do decide to read this blog you read 3, the one prior and the one following. most of these blogs build on one another, reading one wnt get you anywhere. i try not to be bias but this is my opinion on situations as i see them. take into account artistic value and blunt honesty. with that said, this blog is not for someone to gain insight on a current event or to see how i feel about said situations. ask me if we're having an issue. now, having said that, this blog is mine, its me on paper/screen. this is a way to blow off steam and express myself. im not always as vocal about somehings as i should be in person but that doesnt mean go read my blog to know how i feel. i apologize if anything in here has offended or upset anyone but there are sometings inside of me i have to get written out so there no longer bottled up. this is my disclaimer, and with that ill say this, read at your own risk. everything said in some way, shape, form, or fashion i meant it. is it rude? ya, it can be rude. but its honest. and i will be more than happy to own up to all things said. now, some of this is written in the heat of moments, keep that in mind. but i still mean it. should you so need an explanation of anything said here feel free to call. if you dnt have my number there is a reason for that...
i hope this clears up any issues or misunderstandings.
i love you all, dearly.
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