ok so this whole day shall be from this day on be know as "the day that will remain unnamed". so in my futile attempts to wallow in self pity and remain stagnant in misery have been completely blown out of the water by two rather vibrant individuals, this one is for Leandria Lott-Roxx and for the new Ms Frankie S. so this whole day, the only reason i have had any reasonable portion of laughter is due to her. thank you twin, for a sincere smile and a kind soul. there is comfort in friendship.
so as i am trying to maintain a bad day outlook in walks this wonderful ray of joy, this ball of fire, this itty bitty firecracker, this smile...what a kid im thinking to myself. so as she commences to thoroughly amusing me in my rapidly fading misery she whips out this tube of

explaining that she recently partook of the hygienic ritual and that if she spoke directly to me i would "smacked with this vanilla fabulousness"
so leandlria goes first, and with a mouth full of paste she mutters "i wuv it!" bright eyed and excited! so...i step up to the plate...and all of the sudden (read this fast with large amounts of enthusiasm) im wisked away into a whirwind of freshness. i mean it was like starbucks meets orbit gum! like omg "another dirty mouth" and with a swift rinse i am amazed that my smile is pearly white and amazingly fresh! so i as brush my teeth im drowning in the vivacious aroma and taste that are from this day forward to be known as, "the toothpaste of all toothpastes aka THE CREST WHITENING EXPRESSIONS REFRESHING VANILLA MINT (echo mint mint mint)
thank you ladies, a complete pick me up, a blessing. God bless you as you have been a definte blessing to me.
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