it shapes you, even if you didnt want it to. like a scar on your face, you'll see the change every time you see your reflection. but like carry on luggage you'll keep up with it. its your past, the good times, the bad days, it all takes its bitter toll on us. the ppl in our lives change us everyday. every relationship you encounter becomes a lasting mark on your soul. if you've ever seen someone get hit by a car, you would never run into traffic. and because he hurt you, you'll never trust again. because she cheated, you'll never believe anyone could be any different. the whole world will pay for everyone else's mistakes because of the scars we all bare. but eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. some will become the badges of honor,of the trial we've come thru, or the disasters that didnt claim us. other will be mere shame, a secret we can never speak in the light.
i was looking in the mirror this morning, brushing my teeth, and saw my scarred lip, a mark of betrayal. i touched my neck,a scar of innocence shattered. lying in bed last night i took a look at my soul, the baggage i carry from other ppl's mistakes. i do my best not to make you pay for their failures and faults but its hard. in my ill attempts to protect myself i think im shutting out good ppl. i wanta believe you-all of you, but my trust is shaken. anyone who can touch you, can hurt you or heal you. anyone who can reach you can love you or leave you...
i wanta forgive you but forgiveness is a journey to clarity and understanding and i have yet to take that trip. in fact, i cant find my keys and since i dnt clearly understand the logic and reasoning behind your thinking, no i dnt forgive you. but to be forgiven i have to forgive... looks like you've damned us both...
my best friend called me, she wanted to call a summer fling. well considering he tried to talk to your homegirl in fron of you...the hump and dump...i'd say dnt. but what is it in us that makes us long for all the wrong things. the flesh is so weak. the heart wants what it wants. and even if you have the rare talent for keeping a level head, logic flies out the window and your clothes will be back on the floor. reconsider.
i've shut a lot doors to the outside world, clenching those dearest to me and rejecting all new acquaintances. but now that youre pickin at locks and giggling handles im not exactly sure how long i cant keep up this fight.
check out gnarles barkley "who will save your soul" something like that. eloquently poetic-shyt is dope!
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