so last spring when I got my ass certified whooped the petty ass hoes who did it took full advantage of the fact that my hair w as down and pulled the dog shyt out of it! thus they caused some major damage to my mane. if you've ever bn to my house or knew me as a child, you'd know I had a gorgeous head of hair. thick and long. I kept it sewed up for conveniece and less stress, just fyi. but I went back to twists to thicken my hair up and before I did I let my beatician cut my hair down to get rid of the damage. what she actually did was cut out the perm! yurp I'm all natural, I didn't even realize until I looked in the mirror when I emancipated my head. deep mahogany brown, and a head full of curls! while my hair is dammit thick its actually very soft when its all loose. it was so good to see it again and to know I wasn't bald lol.
so yes to spite the fact that I've been looking like sheep's ass my hair is still relatively pretty, still got a ways to go before I rock it but well under way.
just thought i'd stop by and let you know I was finally freed.
xo is au natural!
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