its getting to fall and winter, its time for indoor activity
the hardest thing to do is truly love yourself
if you hav someting good infront of you, release the hesitation and seize the moment
fears will keep you from being happy
i think ive wasted time on several things
if it wasnt for muzik i woulda lost my mind long ago
"youre gonna getthe business right here in KFC! keep trying me..."
ive never been a jealous person but i want some of the things i see ppl hav and take for granted
i need a muthaf'in job (thats not cussing)
im really doing better about my dirty language
i made an i-doodle on bestfriends phone, hot shyt.
i guess that no cussing streak just broke...
Swag is about ta officially be in this mutha- scratch that, in the building
life is bliss and bullshyt
im getting better, my throat isnt nearly as raw and scratchy, but bestfriend is hawkin' up some nasty shyt, scratch that some unappealling substances
i have a midterm at 2:30 its now 1:15, have i really studied? nope. but i did see that hotty in my class and he studied lol
Le is a baby and Dori is a munchkin, Frankie is just...special.
(crash and burn) way ta go Frankie.
i need to go see my advisor and tweek my major and drop geo
i need to pack for my getaway lol
"sleep outside, the devil's in your house"
these random quotes come from songs and the funny things ppl say just fyi
homecoming is rapidly approaching,,,outfit??? i have some things in mind
did i mention i need a job, i lead a luxurious life and i really cnt afford it lol
the good advice i got a while back slick didnt work and consequently im rather indifferent to this current state...i have too much to do
"be my georgia peach?" "georgia doesnt even lead in peach production. ill be you georgia coke, how's that?" whamp whamp
you know what, just whapwhamp everything
im sleepy in a there's-nothing-better-to-do-im-going-to-sleep kinda way
"i thank God for sinners. 'cause at least we will all die. He's got one hand for the righteous, and the other for you and i"
we, the girls and i, we do sooo much im forgetting the order of things! and im forgetting where i parked my car, thats def a no bueno
me and Dori did some laundry last night-hella laughter
i gotta stop skipping class.
and hitting the snooze
and getting sick
and eating KFC, like chicken is getting old.
and cussing, its just not lady like
and biting my nails
i just gotta stop some stuff kuz its getting outta hand
ive fallen in love with several new songs, i posted a few but jamilynn is bumpin
"many rivers think theyre oceans. many puddles think theyre seas. if i were you, id seize the motion. id let go of me"
that is slick like hella deep so damn blah right now.
aight ima try this studying thing again.
oh a few more
"many children sing of angel tho theyve never seen real wings. you and i were not among them, but there are worse thing"
my mind moves so rapidly i lose thoughts...
i am realisticly optomistic but the reality is so pessimistic...get it.
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