so we all read last nites posts and like i said, give me 5 mins, a blog and maybe a nap, and ill be over it. lol sometimes im so simple. this is one such time. its interesting that when things happen they can seem so monumental, heart-wrenching, and tragic....until you go to sleep and when you wake up....all is right with the world. 2 friends of mine, a couple, were having a little tiff yesterday and as i walked by and tossed the fingers i heard her say, "all i want you to do is see it from my point of view" now let me say it, "all i want him to do is see it from my point of view." there. so last night 608 shut it down a little early and we were in bed at 1 am....-?-"burf" ya and i couldnt sleep-i couldnt sleep?! what?! thats damn near blasphemous! but i couldnt and when this happens i replay the day, the events, the ppl, my thoughts, my opinions....and i realized this simple fact. boiz are dumb. elementary i know but its actually true. they have no idea how the slightest of things have the biggest impact on our days. i think ill write a book just for guys as an insight to girl world. ill call it Nigga Please.
i need a JOB! like no bullshyt-scratch that, this financial disposition is no bueno.
Bestfriend stopped by 608 last night and filled us all with oodles of giggles but we were rather productive.
he kinda becomes our stand-in Frankie when she has to go be with her boo.
whampwhamp to all boos. ive dropped pretty much all my junts from the summer and past relationships...and now im wondering why i did that...well, damn lol im single...
you know what, whampwhamp that too. its gonna be cold soon, indoor activity is a must.
"do you read my blog?" "i read all of yalls blogs!" lmao! ALL?! -!- ("bam" spirit fingers)
im in world history blogging my ass of-scratch that, im die hard keystroaking in the middle of class on my laptop, tap-tap-tappin' away!
i dropped my geography class-praise Jehovah
dorian tried to kill me with toxic makeup wipes!
my eyes were all puffy and sensitive yesterday, i looked like i scratched my eyes/face with a fork! thanks a lot dorian! geez, tru friends.
im better now tho, still flaunting the Chanels but im better.
would anyone like to pay my phone you?
im listening to Kate Nash. she's so dope.
i love history but world history just is not my cup of all.
GREY ANATOMY TONIGHT 8PM! (period. be there or be lame as hell)
LMAOIDIEDLAUGHINGINTHEMIDDLEOFCLASS! ALL? -?- burf?! funniest shyt ever! and nigga don't blame me for your eyes and face. u were the one usin a gazillion of them hoes!
and yesterday I thought the exact same thing! BOYS ARE FUCKING STUPID!!!!
if we didn't need dick, babies, and cuddling, they'd be useless...!
well damn dori.....lmao
i was just keeping it real.
niggas is a trip
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