Sunday, July 20, 2008

sunday afternoon's random thoughts

im a very disatisfied sprint customer. this damn summer sucks! me and summer '08 are on terrible terms. period. i have a treo and this bitch freezes like dry ice! im like o-m-g! can i catch a damn break. btwn working like a slave, my dumb ass fam, this silly "relationship" aka friendships and ppl period, all my broken promises to myself,and this bullshyt phone im fucking stuck!
i dnt lie and i do my best to be very upfront and honest with whomever i call myself to be "dealing" with-that has never been more misunderstood and ill received than this summer. if you dnt want the honest truth, dnt ask me. if you wanta run tha risk of me breaking your face, ask me. i would never intentionally hurt anyone's feelings but im running out of "nice" so im left with just SPICE! lol
my futile attempts at being grown and employed are not at all what i was expecting, and if this is adulthood i revolk my application. i hav no intentions of working like a slave and never receiving any gratitude.
next, "relationships"...nigga WHAMP, WHAMP. 'nough said. there is really no pt in looking for love or the like. bump it, i got a crush on me! now answer these questions: what's your fave ice cream? cookie dough. what's your fav soda? rootbeer. like music? LOVE music. well damn-i love YOU! lol (inside) relationships/ friendships, all that, are built on the littlest of similarities. if you like the things i like, well hell i like you. im not inclined to a lot of change but i do like to try new things, now wether i incoporate them into my life is entirely up to me. i dnt respond well to ludicrous pressures. stability is very appealing to me. and maybe i cnt cook, but i can grill. and i think im a great gf and one day ill make an even a better wife. so there! lol
i just had a few things on my mind and a lil spare i thought i'd drop a line or ninety lol so there ya go.


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