it all comes crashing down. just as swiftly as it was built, all the hard work-end. but for some strange reason im oddly indifferent to this present loss of love. maybe because it was never real love. too much physical, no where near enough mental, disquised by his spiritual, i got lost in the emotional. but one little word and there he goes. walking out, without a word. bye. never under estimate the mac in me. i pull 'em like tug-a-war. lol. na but really i can do bad all by myself. i dnt need anybody to constantly bring me down, crush my feelings, or step on my heart. love songs have beome so corny to me. i guess im losing my deep infatuation with love and realizing that where ever your mind wanders, your heart will follow.
im a romantic. i wnt lie, i love love, the idea of it has always consumed me. im not easily swept off my feet and i tend to keep a very level mind, that really explains a lot actually...but i saw this picture and thought it was just precious. the "relationship" in the beginning of this something close to my classic "whamp-whamp". im single. not really lonely but alone. i kinda like the freedom but i will say i do admit i miss the comfort and support.
im kinda picky tho...but i rarely stick to my guidelines, im curious. height is a turn on and a pretty smile is always a nice addition. i like funny boiz, i need a good laugh. i do like brown skin but a god caramel guy is cool. high yellow is out-sorry red bones. every good girl loves a mama's boi, im a good girl lol. being from st louis i have a city mentality but southern boiz have their charm too. idk im just doing me, solo dolo for a while i guess. im taking applications tho lol
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