im a Christian. i love God, esp for all the miraculous things he's done in my life and for those around me. my faith should be that of prophets and such, instead i find myself questioning and struggling with this gigantic concept of God. how could someone love complete strangers enough to die for them? save them and give up Himself? like thats wild to me! but i know i need HIm to get thru every day and that this, all of this, is way bigger than me. there has to be something more to this thing called life, right? i think the idea of heaven and hell, this awesome all knowing figure is just mind boggling! like whaaaaat??? but thats just it-faith. considering that i do believe why then is so hard for me to put my faith in Him? i owe him alot more than my trust, thats for __ sho'! to set myself aside and let go, let God, is very hard for me. i have the constant desire to run things but im learning that i cnt do anything w/o Him. thusly i decided to re-up my soul. turning over all this hesitation and meet Him at the well, im thirsty Lord for knowledge and understanding for faith and reassurance. im reading this book Meet Met at the Well: Take a Month to Water Your Soul. it really has me addressing a lot of the personal issues and flaws that keep me from relying fully in Him and not on my own understanding, i clearly know jack! so i just wanted to encourage you to get to know Him because He already knows you. i think this came about partly because i was reading, obviously, but because an old friend was in a really bad wreck like if you see her car you'd think "theres no way!" ya well there's God's way and because you dnt take a bullet to the neck and walk away because there is a moment in every body's life that should have been the last moment but He always has the last say so. for that i thank you, i praise you, and im working on really trusting You.
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