now i know im a warrior for the creamy crack and im honestly not at all on this GoGreenNatural kick but i do sincerely want dreads. not for the natural positivity but more so for the ecentric beauty of them. needless to say im entertaining the idea of locking my hair. but we all know im not up for the BIG CHOP/START FROM SCRATCH nothing against those who had the courage to go for it, its just not a good look for me so i did a little research and found dread ive had twists before and i used to think i looked childhish but its all in styling. anywho, when i had twists after an inch of new growth my hair would begin to lock on its own, therefore i know my hair can handle it its just a matter of the first step...
being that my hair is naturally like sheeps ass (strong tight coils, but still soft) ive always had a perm to manage this mane! when consistently done my hair does well with a perm but with out out/in twists my hair grows likie a weed! in all actuality, dreads dont have to be perminent but i know if i do this ill love 'em and be married to the naps!
ive rambled enough...i need your help! leave out your bias on chemicals and processed hair and tell me which style you like best on me, what suits my personality ya kno. im posting pics of me with twists so you can get a general idea of me with locks as i would probably try to keep them crinkled i just think its more
feminine and cutesy and also pics of how i we
ar my hair now.

I soooooo think this is just an excuse to post hella pics of yourself! lol J/k
But honestly, I think the locs would be gorgeous. And although it's not permanent it's still not a style you can just switch up every two weeks (which is what i dont know if i can handle. I gotta swith ish up!)
Go for it girl! Your hair will grow like crazy! And if all else fails you can comb them out if you dont like them (with the patience of a saint of course LOL)
lmao at doodle you know me so too vain!
you can do sooo much with them tho! thanks hun
Brittany! thanks pretty girl!
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