Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
these are the 4 reasons i fux wit my guy pat's blog! www.nerdygoon.blogspot.com
just doin some random read-by's and read thru the last month of pat's! he's got news clips i havent even heard about, my favorite damn shoes! Supras i have 2 pairs of the Societys matter of fact. and great music playing.
my guy pat...ya, i fux with that blog!
this post was a little hood but yall kno i love good shyt! lol
Sunday, June 20, 2010
the 600th post
-crowd goes wild, ooh's and aahh's-
i just got home from the club and shit. i put that fukkin dress on and worked it bitch!
this is my 600th post, i think this is a mile stone...over half way to a stack. maybe i talk too much, hopefully i dont depress you lol but i just be speakin my good mind. anywho, i think this deserves a dedication...and to who else but...The Best Fukkin Friend! DUH!
guess im feelin sentimental/drunk, maybe i just cant sleep. which ever it is...here goes...
for you constant support and confidence...for your unmatched swag and steelo...for the phonetic alphabet...for you just being you...for that peach long island...for steppin it out, the reggie dance...for 2 tears in a bucket, fuck it...for your secrets and keeping mine...ILY. this one here is for you. together we shut that muffukka down. despite my constant whining and complaining you always seem to call, "good morning". in our world its always friday "its Friday its Friday and Reggie its on you..." i hope i simply mean half as much to your life as you grant fulfillment to mine. "you make me happy"
-toast- here's to you and here's to me. and if we should ever disagree..then fuck you and here's to me! up to, down to it...we do it cause we used to it...say fuck those that dont do it cause we get it!
i just got home from the club and shit. i put that fukkin dress on and worked it bitch!
this is my 600th post, i think this is a mile stone...over half way to a stack. maybe i talk too much, hopefully i dont depress you lol but i just be speakin my good mind. anywho, i think this deserves a dedication...and to who else but...The Best Fukkin Friend! DUH!
guess im feelin sentimental/drunk, maybe i just cant sleep. which ever it is...here goes...
for you constant support and confidence...for your unmatched swag and steelo...for the phonetic alphabet...for you just being you...for that peach long island...for steppin it out, the reggie dance...for 2 tears in a bucket, fuck it...for your secrets and keeping mine...ILY. this one here is for you. together we shut that muffukka down. despite my constant whining and complaining you always seem to call, "good morning". in our world its always friday "its Friday its Friday and Reggie its on you..." i hope i simply mean half as much to your life as you grant fulfillment to mine. "you make me happy"
-toast- here's to you and here's to me. and if we should ever disagree..then fuck you and here's to me! up to, down to it...we do it cause we used to it...say fuck those that dont do it cause we get it!

million dollar smiles =)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Maddox is ONE YEAR OLD
hey maya, they killed your friend
wait what?! ya thats how i got the news that the kid across the street from my parents. the kidd i grew up with is dead. idk if its more upsetting that he was a good kid, that he wasnt doing the wrong thing, that it was a stray bullet, or that i feel guilty for still being alive. every so often when someone dies i feel this overwhelming guilt for surviving. i feel so bad, maybe not that im alove but that he didnt make it. a single shot to the head. he was in atl, i was just there, and they call his family to get to atl and by morning they have to unplug him because his organs were failing. unplug your own child?! like i couldnt imagine.
my prayers go to his family. im sorry seems so pointless but Lord knows im so sorry.
if you learn nothing from this blog, nothing else from my existence learn this: every day is a blessing. if it was good or bad it was a day. someone else never got that. be happy, CHOOSE to be happy. despite the everyday bullshit that life brings i love it. i hope you do too...
RIP kiddo, see you on the other side.
ink my whole body
cause i dont give a muthafukk!

if i wasnt an aspiring professional, a lady in the streets (ya dig), if i wasnt so self conscious (you know you are too in some way or another) id be so hit up, so inked. cause ever since September of 2007 ive been hooked. i only have 4 but i NEED more.
i did a little research for a project in high school on tattoos and fell head over everything in love. so this is how it works...1st pay your respects to your ancestors/parents. i did "daddy's lil girl" a wrap around wrist piece. then i did "JL" on my shoulder. i love that piece cause it was signed on my skin, so theyll never be another like it! top that! so then you begin to organize and capture your life, achievements, and all the things you go thru, learn from, and hopefully overcome. 3rd i did "Love Life" behind my ear. while that spot is a trendy tatt spot, i chose that spot and that phrase for the ever tragic gun shot wound it surrounds. so last summer i was feeling really stuck, stagnant in my current state. i was in need of change, progression and i just happened to read the entire collection of Maya Angelou's novels. the first is I Know Why The Caged Bird Sing that piece moved me, inspired me. if youve never read it, this is your invitation. ill even let you borrow my copy-nevermind. i dont share shyt i love. but Borders has it...any who, after that book and dwelling in my state i moved out, bought an apartment, stepped out on faith, and sang of freedom. my last tatt is a hummingbird taking flight off my back and the phrase "the caged bird sings of freedom" and bird cage off in the distant. thats another original piece. gon head and hate.
so next...i think i wanna defend my art. ive caught alot of slack for my ink, "Really Maya, youre a lady thats not beocming" "so when are you gonna stop" bitch never! and ya im still a lady me and my ink. so im listening to Lupe Fiasco and he made he made a comment about compromising for other people. my twist "never compromising. this is me...in ink." i want the ink to look like tagged graffiti, dripping, kinda messy. i like this line too "Love is 3 steps off a cliff: trust hope fall." i want the fall to be falling tho. ill put that one on my foot. ok this is my grand piece. on your side, just under your tittage. a cracked hour glass. within the sand in the glass "iff all we have is time" and then the spilled sand "dont waste mine" theres quite the story behind that one...well not really quite the story but a story, so i want it none the less.
i guess thats enough for now...
ill post pics of me that show my tatts well...enjoy.
i realized i dont have one of my ear piece...sorry.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

dress 1 to DIE for...light and airy and TADAH!! its razor backed. i want it in yellow. i needs to be more like BOW!

aztec razorback with bow. thats actually what its called i didnt make that up. but either way the pattern calls to me, the razor back belongs with me, and bow is just precious!
needless to say....GIMME!!
shoe one is EXACTLY what ive invisioned when it comes to this whole boot meets sandal aka bandal obsession. slouchy and leather trimmed...9.5 please!
and lastly the oxford. i like this one bc its more summer the ones ive been finding. white and camel. i could go with alot. 

all items available at a place i found. fuck no i wont tell you so you can go buy all the shyt i cant afford. BIT! sorry for ya! and dont let me see you in my shyt...ima go HAMsterdam
hol'up hol'up hol'up
i MUST stop and pay MAD RESPECT to a fellow blogger Ms. Brittany for this outstanding tribute to fashion, individuality, and hot pink lipstick!
3 reasons it was cyber love at first click!
1. her url .... http://www.pocketsandbows.blogspot.com/ POCKETS!! hello ppl! act like you know me
2. she is soooo fashion forward, so chic, so clean line, and BOLD! 2 snaps work it honey!
3. she's a big girl! and i dont knw what you heard but aside from tall girls, big girls run it too! and say what you want but im a big girl myself and i LOVE to see my fellow thickness sisters workin some fashion! you doin me proud honey, keep up the damn good work!
oh damn, maybe there are 4 reasons...SHE HAS OXFORDS! anyone who knows me should know ive been madly obsessed with Oxfords since Jah aka Beau worked 'em on campus. it was love at first site but her midget toesies wouldnt allow me to even think of borrowing them...hussy. any who. guess im done!
but follow Brittany her blog is giving me so much joy!
3 reasons it was cyber love at first click!
1. her url .... http://www.pocketsandbows.blogspot.com/ POCKETS!! hello ppl! act like you know me
2. she is soooo fashion forward, so chic, so clean line, and BOLD! 2 snaps work it honey!
3. she's a big girl! and i dont knw what you heard but aside from tall girls, big girls run it too! and say what you want but im a big girl myself and i LOVE to see my fellow thickness sisters workin some fashion! you doin me proud honey, keep up the damn good work!
oh damn, maybe there are 4 reasons...SHE HAS OXFORDS! anyone who knows me should know ive been madly obsessed with Oxfords since Jah aka Beau worked 'em on campus. it was love at first site but her midget toesies wouldnt allow me to even think of borrowing them...hussy. any who. guess im done!
but follow Brittany her blog is giving me so much joy!
lets talk fashion
lets talk pretty things! lets talk toe nail polish and little skirts. lets talk summer do's and sun dresses. lets talk all things girl! cause right now im in LOVE with summer clothes and in HATE with my lack of funding to support my summer urge to SHOP like Reggie takes shots! i think im gonna post some pictures of this great little H&M number i got in atlanta with the Bestfriend when we went to Erykah Badu and Maxwell (ya thats right, i know youre jealous, cause im slick jealous for you!)
my summer attire
-short skirts, mostly short because im so long (and tall girls run it fyi) but ya the shorter the better with out letting your chattahoochie fall out.
-colors- much like this new back ground i want to embrace more colors. loud and bold. and patterns. shout out to the bomb ass zig zag tee from American American apparell. ya, i see you hatin.
-tank tops!- razor back only please and thank you. really feeling the thin, light weight baggy ones theyre so grungy chic, so gulch goes glam. and they shoe off your bra, even just black they highlight, subtle and sexy.
-pockets. pockets?! -smacks lips, sigh- hell ya POCKETS! im head over heels, yes ill have your babies, say some shyt you dont mean in the heat of the moment in love with pockets! on my shirts, on my skirts, in my dresses! theyre so posh, so funny. quirky even. like pockets on a dress? -cocks head- why yes! theyre quite handy i might add. its like hey wheres my phone?! oh ya its in my....POCKET!! -slaps knee
so yes, this summer give me all things short! give me loud colors and bold patterns. i want shoulders out, cute bras. and baby i want pockets!!
my summer attire
-short skirts, mostly short because im so long (and tall girls run it fyi) but ya the shorter the better with out letting your chattahoochie fall out.
-colors- much like this new back ground i want to embrace more colors. loud and bold. and patterns. shout out to the bomb ass zig zag tee from American American apparell. ya, i see you hatin.
-tank tops!- razor back only please and thank you. really feeling the thin, light weight baggy ones theyre so grungy chic, so gulch goes glam. and they shoe off your bra, even just black they highlight, subtle and sexy.
-pockets. pockets?! -smacks lips, sigh- hell ya POCKETS! im head over heels, yes ill have your babies, say some shyt you dont mean in the heat of the moment in love with pockets! on my shirts, on my skirts, in my dresses! theyre so posh, so funny. quirky even. like pockets on a dress? -cocks head- why yes! theyre quite handy i might add. its like hey wheres my phone?! oh ya its in my....POCKET!! -slaps knee
so yes, this summer give me all things short! give me loud colors and bold patterns. i want shoulders out, cute bras. and baby i want pockets!!
i smile
because here lately as badd as some things have gotten, i keep pulling thru. id be one selfish lil BBEETTT if it didnt give that accomplishment to God, so 'ppreciate it big homie. always workin it out. cause CLEARLY i be doin somethin wrong, everything WRONG lol. im over qualified for everything, im too expensive to employ, and too experienced for bs. well damn...nigga needs another job. especially considering im robbing the gov blind. theyll probably take my thieving ass to jail! yes im a stealer and a thief= a stief. i cant go to jail, ill be somebody's tall bitch! that just aint right... but anywho once that tax money runs out ima need to be pullin in some legitimate guapo!
i digress...
ive been so happy lately! like wake up smiling, go to sleep smiling. not that i was ever a sad person (however looking at past posts, i have been slightly dim in my outlook) oh well 2 tears in a bucket, fuck it! im back, and im happy!
i sound like im on speed or something...i promise i dont do drugs! just hugs!
i digress...
ive been so happy lately! like wake up smiling, go to sleep smiling. not that i was ever a sad person (however looking at past posts, i have been slightly dim in my outlook) oh well 2 tears in a bucket, fuck it! im back, and im happy!
i sound like im on speed or something...i promise i dont do drugs! just hugs!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
new layout
while its FAR from what i was trying to achieve i like it...im still playing around with some things. if i can get that ill be well over excited til then...this will do.
since im here....
ive TOTALLY blown my summer diet/weight loss plan in a matter of days. btwn atlanta and this bday cake...ima die a BEACHED WHALE!
im poor...yes like impoverished and stressfully poor...smh, something has to give.
i need a summer boo...hell i need a boo period. its gun lonely at 315. while my roomie is pullin more than her share its still a complete drought round here.
b/c of others mistakes and irresponsibilities im in a bit of a pickle. send one up for ya girl cause this is somethin like crucial!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
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