so Peaches-n-Cream lost his granfatehr last night. He had been struggling and suffering for a while. seizures. cathiters (sp?). kidney failure. he put up a fight but when God calls, who are we no to answer.
The beauty and mystery of life that has always puzzled me to wonderment is the way life ends just as quickly as it begins. the same way mothers feel the warm tickle, the deep pressures of new life forming in their precious wombs is still so comparable to the cold hand, the silent pull of knowing death is near.i personally am terrified of death only because i cnt grasp the full concept of not being right here but ive seen death take a hold and even as cold and darka s things may seem i have to remind myself that there is better day to come. that dying is robably not the worse thing that happens in life. but surely the most miraculous is the act of life, of building a human inside of you, safe and unadalterated. i find God at the oddest times. ive watching this man die and only hours after his life breaths goodbye, tee water that has held my much anticipated new comer is opened and now we're counting the hours until we start the whole thing again. He giveth and He taketh away. whenever one door closes another opens.
so even if you have the kind of questioning spirit that i do, rest assured, God is real and He moves all around us.
Be Blessed.
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