so my dreaded job is lookin up. now that we're in the system i can surf the net and blog! yayy, right! i know! so while i definitely had a really bad night until "someone who is yet to be named" showed up, im leaving that night where it is because i cnt even really formulate all thie the things i wanna say with all the things i feel and all the bullshyt that it was. so im taking this time while still rackin up that 12.50 an hour to say that the black ppl at my job are the best! lmao. this place is HHUUGGEE and while there are restrooms scattered throughout the manufacturing floor, they are both nasty and elementary. they have the big fountain sink between both restrooms to cater to the male and females. and while at first i was like oh wow flashback pnce inside i realized everyone is leaving this restroom without washing their hands!! i stood in complete disgust in the potty for 10 min because i couldnt touch the door. so i wrapped my hand in tissue and escaped. that afternoon i was passing a man whi spit into the sink. that was the last straw. now aside from the manufacturing side there is a coporate sde to this facility. the restrooms on that side are up to my standards. so whenever nature calls i venture across the factory floor to the pretty potties. so today im in the stall (sp) and two Black ladies come in
"Whoo child!"
"Hunnay! you aint lyin!"
they enter the two stalls and continue
"Did Betty lookin at us coming across the floor?"
"Nose Betty? she tryin ta figure out why we cnt use the Colored Bathroom"
"Ooohh you so mean!"
"I dnt work on this slave ship to piss in that out house!"
"what you said!" so by this time im out and at the sink
they join me and smile like little grannies.
"see Hannah, even the children wnt use that God forsaken dump!," to me, "Good for you sweetheart."
i just smile.
"Thank you for the laughs, yall have a nice rest of the day."
"you too baby, dnt let the man keep you down!" i cracked up
lmao! that convo was so hilarious and while its so racist and seemingly ridiculous, its tru. when youre the obvious minority its very dfficut not to equate all issues to race. in my office i am the only black person!! in meetings im 1 of 2 women and the ONLY BLACK PERSON!
yesterday me and two other hite guys were walking to another floor of the plant with a box. and he says" just drop it there Tom. Drop it like its hot" WTF?! i looked at him like i had never heard such vernacular. later on he said "wack". i wanted to scream. sometimes its funny to watch them try to be cool but really its flatterig that they wanta be "down" and that my presence makes them so aware of their "old boys club". but at the same time i find it offensive. you dnt have to curtail your common vocabulary because im here. i can out talk most of these ppl anyway, white or black. its just funny that as far as we've come there are still at least 50 pickup trucks with confederte stickers, plates, and tags. and that the entire management staff here is white. except for aubrey, the HR manager he's a Nupe. but hey, the president is Black. there's no denying that! i might wear myObama tee tomorrow. they'd probably lynch my ass, let me not.
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