Thursday, April 30, 2009


so im awakened to the rustling of drawers and closet doors and i crack my eyes just long enough to see a little baybay kid all in my closet!
background: i dnt work, yet, ive purchased the vast majority of food and toiletries for my current temporary residence. now the other half of that residence is employed and has only purchased 2 little 4 packs of angel soft...something there just doesnt add up.
but there she is, all in my closet rummaging for my last roll of tissue. i told you to buy some...dnt look it me when your cooch is wet and ya ass is dirty. i know ppl are like well maya why dnt you say something...because im packin my shyt and going home tomorrow. ill be back thru to holla at these finals monday but other than that im chunkin the deuce to 608 and TSU as a whole, ive had more than enough.


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