Tuesday, November 4, 2008

terribly disappointed

i defintely-damn sho definitely wanted to be a part of history but because of my father and his bitch has insurance wanting voter registration changed and the wack ass voter commision of God forsaken Union city in the ass crackl of the back wood of tennessee i never received my damn absentee ballot and now my vote doesnt count!
like wtf! im really pissed
and bestfriend clearly just stunted me all the way out and had 2 of my friends cause a big ass scene about it. no im not mad im just really sad 'cause every vote counts and im so OBAMA!


Reggie.BRO said...

Perk up...my vote was for both of us...

Lott said...

aww its okat love. i voted for ypu too!

Anonymous said...

Hell, you can have my whole vote...you know how I feel about this whole shindig! But it's aight. And why did ya'll have to cause a damn scene? That's what they want "the negroes" to do.