there are processes in place to insure the upmost respect and honor of all those involved. to assume that just because you partake in some outside activities makes you better than the rest is a bold face lie. furthermore to assume i exposed them, threw them under the bus, or any of the like is a LIE. if i say i wanta do something, anything, i do it to the best of my abilities, and with the upmost pride. with that said, i warned you. i told you that "this" was going to end badly and for the sake of my ass i stopped. now when the shit hit the fan i was safe not because i snitched like a bitch but i had elders willing to go to bat for me and my character. i did what i could to save who i could but the rest, i got nothin for you. i am sorry, i am that it is ending so badly for some but you lose one and maybe save more.
obedience vs sacrifice- obedience would say to go by the rules, follow law, and adhere to all mandates. loyalty to the cause and remembering all those involved.
sacrifice-selfish. risk the masses for a token title that is invisible to the outside world. sacrifice means looking out for self first and all those involved last. sacrifice is wack. and all those who are willing to sacrifice everyone for their own gain is just as wack. youve been brainwashed to think that loyalty means pain. that humiliation is honor. check your principals, thats not one any of this about. that shit comes from slave mentalities and 100's of years if needing to belong.
now the question is which am i? im an obedient servant. follow the rules so you can serve the cause. there comes a time when it is necessary to sacrifice the unworthy in hopes those who contain the merit can claim the titles, but even then, i dnt make that call. i was down for the "titles" but when the titles blurred the cause, when the titles got bigger than anyone else involved, it was time to realize that this, all of "this" will compromise the majority and sacrifice the masses. thats not something that makes sense to me.
the issue is that when it all comes crashing down you look for someone to blame. being that i beseeched you long ago about your endeavors you readily assume i brought about your demise. WRONG. I simply foresaw the coming and did my best to move you to change. when wise words fell on deaf ears. i saved my own ass and severed my involvement. all those who went blindly forth quickly saw that this road, leads no where and its too late to turn back.
so did i snitch, no. but did i warn you, yes.